How to take Super-Creative Photos during the Quarantine

All the artists out there find inspiration from the tiniest of moments taking place around them and try to incorporate them in their piece. This quarantine however, has got everyone stuck at home which might produce a creative block due to stress and boredom.

Photographers especially, are baffled because of their inability to go out and explore the world and their own creativity and are stuck within the four walls of their homes without much to do with their camera. However, photography is an art, and all it requires to come up with a beautiful picture is, out of the box thinking, skills and some patience.

In this article, you will find some of the ways in which you can make your very home your inspiration to create wonderful images.

Selfies have become common during the past few years and are gaining more popularity since the onset of the pandemic. Self portraits are one of the most popular and creative ways of doing photography while at home.

One can explore with different moods, tones, lights and even looks. With a lot of time on your hands you can change your looks by exploring with your hair or beard to give diverse moods to the portraits. One can also explore with the natural light from the windows or lamp shades or some other props to add more elements to the image.

You can also go for capturing the various patterns seen on the bed covers that one sees after waking up or even the rays of light peeking from a window early morning or at the time of sunset. These kinds of shoots do not require any special lighting or setups but are candid and just need some creativity.

Sky photography is another something gaining more and more popularity among business as well as professionals. Anything from blue sky to the colourful sunset sky to dull grey sky has the potential of being converted into a beautiful image. Along with that, one can also experiment with flying birds or some unique cloud shapes that on e might come across. 

Reflections are something that are found everywhere from the bathroom mirror to a raindrop on a leaf to a road drenched with rain water. Capturing reflections can give some of the most aesthetic images and incorporating some colorful lights or other props can even add a pop of color to the image.

You may not be fond of wildlife photography but with so much time on your hands during the quarantine, one can always try something new without even getting out of house. If you come across some beautiful birds, insects or squirrels around your house, you are lucky enough and all you have to do is to be a little patient and wait for the right moment to get a good shot.

However, if you come across any, you can always try to hang a bird feeder near your window to attract some beautiful species.

The list can go on and on and so can your imagination. So explore your creativity, find an inspiration, pickup your camera and get going.