Camera Accessories You Must Have in 2021

Accessories are something which are as important as the camera itself and this is where most photographers take wrong decisions. Here are few camera accessories you must have a look at and make them a part of your Gear.

  • Camera Bags

Well if this made you laugh at as an option, think again. We know that bags are something most people buy when they buy a camera and cannot actually be termed an accessory. Well, think again. Did you do as much research in buying a good camera bag as you do for buying your most expensive camera? If yes, then move to point no. 2 otherwise read on.

Camera bags if not more, are as important as the camera itself because it protects your all expensive camera. A good camera bag must not only carry your camera but should be light weight, preferably water proof, should have sufficient padding to withstand the rough terrain and should not hurt your spine with all the gear getting packed in.

  • Memory Card Holders/Wallets

You know what is the, most precious thing after your shoot is over and if you lose it, you are devastated? No prizes for guessing; it’s your image data. All those images that you clicked are lying in that small fragile, delicate memory card and it must be protected by keeping them safe.

The best in class are hardcover cases which are water and shock resistant. Do not compromise on quality because of price. Always compare the price with that of your priceless image data.

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  • Cleaning Kits

Dust is the biggest enemy of camera and lenses. And most photographers remember the need of proper cleaning kits when faced with dusty conditions and they are mostly found cleaning with their T-Shirts, handkerchiefs etc. These cloths are not meant to clean your expensive camera gear because they can end up adding scratch marks on your lens. You must have a couple of micro fiber cloths and a blower.

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  • Memory Card Reader

This is another piece of accessory most photographers do not pay attention to and end up buying something very cheap compromising with the quality. Cheap card readers have the potential to damage your card or data or both. Look for a fast and reliable card reader, which help you transfer your images as fast as possible to your hard drive.

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  • Camera Straps

While camera straps that come with camera are a good starting point, but they can be very tacky. They are difficult to fix and even remove, they are mostly non stretchable almost becoming a pain in the neck. These replacement camera straps should be stretchable, easy to fix and remove, should be switchable from neck to shoulder with a single action. If you are not the neck or shoulder strap types, look for a wrist strap.

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  • Variable ND Filters

Most of us shoot during broad daylight and shoot with that all expensive fast prime lens. In strong light we are unable to make best use of wide open aperture because of very strong light. Circular Variable ND Filters help you cut light and do your shoot with wide open apertures as well. Another word of caution here is that do not compromise with quality, because cheap Variable ND Filters have the tendency to get X band in image ruining your final image almost permanently.

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  • Extra Batteries

And you though we how could we forget this all important accessory. Battery juice is everything specially in this Mirrorless Age. Depending on your usage, you must have at least 3-4 extra batteries, just in case. Needless to say that always go for original batteries because they are reliable and last longer.

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  • Tripod/Monopod

Well this is must have accessory with every photographer. If you are into landscape photography, look for a good carbon fiber tripod with a ball head. But if you are into events and wedding etc opt for a good monopod to help you manage those slow shutter speeds and get tack sharp images.

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