How to Keep Yourself and Your Camera busy during Lockdown

The world is enveloped with the deadly Corona virus and none of us can go out which makes all the photographers out there, stressed about how to make the best use of their time as well as their cameras. It’s certainly not an easy job but we have so much time at our hands, that we can endlessly explore our creativity, try new things every day and re-discover ourselves.

In this article, you will find some simple yet creative tips on how to use your camera to the fullest to create some wonderful images while at home.

Having kids or pets at your home, as a photographer can be the biggest boon as they are full of enthusiasm, expressions and innocence and can give some of the most playful and joyous pictures. Give your kids some toys to play as props and click some great candid or capture that beautiful fur-buddy while it’s in deep sleep.

Grab anything at your home ranging from utensils to vegetables to kitchen essentials and click them up close to get some good shots. The most interesting thing about macro photography is that you can take anything, add some creativity to it and create a masterpiece. For instance, you can click the strings of your guitar up close or even the patterns in the iris of someone’s eye to get a beautiful image.

While it’s raining cats and dogs outside, you can make the most of that situation by picking up your camera and getting some good pictures. You can click anything from that misty window or the reflection in the drop on a leaf of your plant or even that after-rain sky with a rainbow if you’re lucky!

Are you a photographer who is learning to cook or bake this quarantine? Flaunt both your skills by clicking some vibrant and delicious pictures of your food. Use some props from around your house and try to make a composition out of it to make it look more aesthetic. Use natural light from the window or the light from your lampshade as per your convenience and create some beautiful images.

If we look around and are observant enough, we are sure to find some interesting patterns made by shadows on the walls or the floor around our house. These could be from the leaves of your favourite plant or a window pane during sunset; find it and capture it to get an aesthetic image.

If you are that person who loves to read with a cup of coffee, you might as well get inspired from it and click some creative images using the same. Get a macro shot of your favourite book or create a backdrop using books to click a portrait or use a cup of coffee, some stationery items or a pair of spectacles as props to get some really wonderful images. A little play with light for changing the mood of the picture might also help.

The creative ideas can go on without an end to them and the same is the case with your imagination. Use this time wisely to explore yourself and your interests and push your creative boundaries to get some of the most marvellous images, that too while at home.